Text processing tools

EKI logoEmotion detector ressurss META-SHARE'is

The Emotion Detector allows to identify the positivity, negativity and neutrality in paragraphs of written text.

EKI logoTools of the IEL rule-based morphology ressurss META-SHARE'is

The rule-based morphology toolkit of the Estonian Language Institute consists of separate modules for syllabification, paradigm recognition, morphological analysis and synthesis.


  • EstNLTK ressurss META-SHARE'is
    Python package for processing Estonian. EstNLTK provides common natural language processing functionality such as paragraph, sentence and word tokenization, morphological analysis, named entity recognition, etc.
  • EstCG shallow parser for Estonian ressurss META-SHARE'is
    http://www.ut.ee/~kaili/grammatika/, code on GitHub
  • Statistical morphosyntactic disambiguator for Estonian (using TreeTagger)
  • Filosoft's statistical morphosyntactic disambiguator for Estonian